I'm an aspiring Data Scientist driven by an insatiable thirst for knowledge and a passion for uncovering insights hidden within the vast expanse of data. Currently, I am focused on building robust data pipelines, and machine learning.
Passionately engaged in the realms of machine learning and data engineering, I'm constantly immersed in diverse projects aimed at pushing boundaries and driving innovation. As a staunch advocate for open source collaboration, I actively seek opportunities to work alongside new collaborators. Currently, my focus is on building robust data engineering pipelines and leveraging cutting-edge techniques in LLMs and artificial intelligence to tackle real-world challenges.
If you're embarking on an exciting project or seeking fresh perspectives, don't hesitate to reach out via Mail or Whatsapp. I'm always eager to connect, exchange ideas, and explore new avenues of exploration and growth together.
About this site
Welcome to my home on the internet. This site functions as a blog/portfolio, a place to share code and thoughts. Opinions of my own.
I learnt how to build this site from the most awesome people in the community:
- Timothy's Next.js and Tailwind CSS template: Template starter where I bootstrapped the project.
- Einar Guðjónsson: Now page, navigation style, animations and much more.