


Mohit Appari

Florida State University

Someone who loves data and everything related to it. Current ventures lie in the field of data engineering and machine learning. Looking for exciting opportunities to work and collaborate with bright minds and explore the world of data together.

If you're embarking on an exciting project or seeking fresh perspectives, don't hesitate to reach out via Mail or Whatsapp.  I'm always eager to connect, exchange ideas, and explore new avenues of exploration and growth together.

About this site

Welcome to my home on the internet. This site functions as a blog/portfolio, a place to share code and thoughts. Opinions of my own.

I learnt how to build this site from the most awesome people in the community:


Research Assistant - Artificial Intelligence  @  Florida State University
June 2024 – Present
Researched and experimented with GANs, diffusion models, UniMat by Google, and CDVAE by Microsoft, exploring novel architectures for material synthesis.
Implemented NequIP on a dataset of 11,043 materials, achieving 95% accuracy with customized YAML configurations, including 4 rotational invariant layers and equivariance in irreps, optimized with AMSGrad and Adam.
Fine-tuned hyperparameters such as learning rate (0.005) and batch size (100), improving model efficiency by 20% with a focus on energy prediction.
Associate Data Engineer  @  S&P Global
January 2022 – July 2023
Automated data ingestion processes for over 50,000 files, including PDFs, images, and TIFFs, using advanced OCR and computer vision tools, achieving a 90% accuracy rate in text extraction.
Developed Python pipelines to extract, transform, and load (ETL) data into S3 buckets and servers, utilizing regex and Grooper for complex text extraction, improving overall efficiency and speed by 90%.
Deployed executable pipelines to streamline data ingestion, leading to seamless integration of dashboards on Power BI.
Machine Learning Intern  @  LG
June 2021 – August 2021
Developed a drowsiness detection application using WebOS and OpenCV on Raspberry Pi 4, improving driver safety by 50%.
Secured 3rd place in an Ideathon by collaborating on a smart logistics system using computer vision.
Collaborated with a team of 4 to develop logistic solutions using computer vision and machine learning.
Software Development Intern  @  ITC
January 2021 – March 2021
Developed a Node.js web application using Express.js and MySQL for a master data management system, improving user experience and feasibility by 50% across 10+ categories.
Implemented Google authentication and utilized bcrypt for password encoding, enhancing security and streamlining the ticket creation process.
Designed and deployed a RESTful API for CRUD operations, enabling seamless data retrieval and modification.